Walter L. Pohl (October 2024)
You may download many of the following papers, depending on copyright rules of the respective publishers, starting from my profile on Research Gate.
.- 111. Pohl WL (2024) Conference Paper "Quo vadis Gold Metallogenesis? (20 pp. 111. PDF) .
- 110. Pohl WL (2022) Book review: Formation of gold deposits, by Neil Phillips.
Applied Earth Science 132(1), pp. 62-63. DOI: 10.1080/25726838.2022.2153980 OPEN ACCESS Free ePrint of this review at: - 109. Pohl W.L. (2022a) Metallogenic models as the key to successful exploration -- a review and trends.
Mineral Economics 35, 373-408 (2022) : DOI 12,000 Accesses (Springer last updated: Thu, 16 JAN 2025). Creative Commons Licence OPEN ACCESSPohl W.L. (2022b) Supplementary Information: The online version of no. 109 contains supplementary material (Figures and Subtitles) Mineral Economics 35, 373-408 (2022) : DOI Supplementary Information available at or from above link to text (2022a). Open Access
- 108. Pohl W.L. (2020) Economic Geology, Principles and Practice: Metals, Minerals, Coal and Hydrocarbons – an Introduction to Formation and Sustainable Exploitation of Mineral Deposits.
2nd ed. (EG2) 755 pp. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart.PRINT (Soft Cover)
class="blue"> An e-book version (PDF) of EG2 appeared in 2021. Lately, Schweizerbart, appears to sell it, too. One international dealer ( ) is with outlets in Australia, UK, USA and selling globally. - 107. Pohl, W.L. (2019) The tsavorite (gem quality vanadium grossular) minerogenetic system in East Africa.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12: 612-617. Springer. - 106. Pohl W.L. (2019) The Tsavorite (Gem Quality Vanadium Grossularite) Minerogenetic System in East Africa. Pp 85-87 in: Rossetti F. et al. (eds) The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham. DOI
- 105.
Genetic significance of the 867 cm-1 out-of-plane Raman mode in graphite associated with V-bearing green grossular.
Thomas, R., Rericha A., Pohl, W.L. & Davidson, P. (2018) Mineralogy and Petrology 112 (5), 633-645. - 104. Pohl, W.L. (2015) Geologie und Palaeogeographie der Kohlenmulden des Hausruck (Oberoesterreich).
res montanarum (Montanhistorischer Verein Oesterreichs, Leoben), 54/2015, 4-9. - 103. The geochemical signature of rare-metal pegmatites in the Central Africa Region: Soils, plants, water and stream sediments in the Gatumba tin-tantalum mining district, Rwanda.
Nieder, R., Weber, T.K.D., Paulmann, I., Muwanga, A., Owor, M., Naramabuye, F.-X., Gakwerere, F., Biryabarema, M., Biester, H. & Pohl, W.L. (2014) Journal of Geochem. Exploration (Special Volume on Mining and the Environment in Africa) 144, 539-551, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2014.01.025 - 102. Early Neoproterozoic rare metal (Sn, Ta, W) and gold metallogeny of the Central Africa Region: a review.
Pohl, Walter L., Biryabarema, Michael & Lehmann, Bernd (2013) Applied Earth Science 122, 66-82, 2013. - 101. Das Gold der Norischen Taurisker: Die Geologie des Vorkommens von Polybios/Strabon.
Vetters, W. & Pohl, W.L. (2012) Carinthia II , vol. 122, 273-286 2012. - 100. Economic Geology, Principles and Practice:
Metals, Minerals, Coal and Hydrocarbons; an Introduction to Formation and Sustainable Exploitation of Mineral Deposits.
663 pages, 294 figures, 28 tables and 65 colour photographs (Wiley-Blackwell 2011). - 99. Properties and quality of soils in the open-cast mining district of Gatumba, Rwanda.
Reetsch, A., R. Naramabuye, W. Pohl, D. Zachmann, K. Truemper, J. Fluegge, R. Nieder, 2008, Etudes Rwandaises, Serie sciences exactes, naturelles et appliquees, vol.16, 51-79, Butare, 2008. - 98. Environmental state of stream water and sediments in Gatumba tin and tantalum mining district, Rwanda.
Flügge, J., Muwanga, A., Truemper, K., Zachmann, D., Pohl, W., 2008, Etudes Rwandaises, Serie sciences exactes, naturelles et appliquees, vol.16, 80-97, Butare, 2008. - 97. Sustainable restitution/recultivation of artisanal tantalum mining wasteland in Central Africa, a pilot study.
Biryabarema, M., Rukazambuga, D., Pohl, W. (Editors) (2008) &Etudes Rwandaises, Serie sciences exactes, naturelles et appliquees, vol. 16, 174 pp, Butare, 2008. - 96. Exploratory geochemical assessment of stream water and sediment contamination in Gatumba tin and tantalum mining district, Rwanda.
Judith Flügge, Andrew Muwanga, Kerstin Truemper, Dieter Zachmann, Walter Pohl, Zentralblatt Geologie und Palaeontologie, vol. 2007, 233-246, 2007. - 95. Wetland change detection and inundation north of Lake George, Western Uganda, using Landsat data.
Owor, M., Muwanga, A. and Pohl, W., 2007, African Journal of Science and Technology (AJST): Science and Engineering Series, vol. 8(1), 94-106, 2007. - 94. Impact of tailings from the Kilembe copper mining district on Lake George, Uganda.
Owor, M., T. Hartwig, A. Muwanga, D. Zachmann & W. Pohl (2007) Environmental Geology 51, 1065-1075, 2007. - 93. Geothermische Energiegewinnung in Braunschweig?
Von H. Zellmer, M. Bleis & W. Pohl, Tagungs-CD-Rom 6. FKS-Syposium, Braunschweig 17.-16. Mai 2006. ISBN-10: 3-00-018915-7. - 92. Lake George as a sink for contaminants derived from Kilembe copper mining area, Western Uganda. Hartwig, T., Owor, M., Muwanga, A., Zachmann, D. & Pohl, W. (2005) Mine Water and the Environment 24 (3), 114-123, 2005.
- 91. Mineralische und Energie-Rohstoffe: Eine Einführung zur Entstehung und nachhaltigen Nutzung von Lagerstätten.
W. UND W.E. PETRASCHECK'S LAGERSTÄTTENLEHRE, 5. Auflage, 527 Seiten, 189 Abbildungen, Schweizerbart Verlag, ISBN 3-510-65212-6, 2005. - 90. Automated sliding susceptibility mapping of hard rock hillslopes.
Guenther, A., Carstensen A. & W. Pohl (2004) Natural Harzard & Earth System Sci. 4, 95-102, 2004. Open access - 89. The effect of the old waste disposal sites to the environment in Kampala City, Uganda.
Biryabarema M., Pohl W. & Kiremire B., Africa Geoscience Review 11 (2/3), 125-140, 2004. - 88. Prognose und Regionalisierung niederschlagsabhängiger Veränderungen der Bergwasserverhältnisse als Modul einer flächenhaften Standsicherheitsbewertung von Festgesteinshängen.
A. Carstensen, A. Günther & W. Pohl, Bericht 14. Tagung Ingenieurgeologie, 367-368, Kiel 2003. - 87. Tertiäre Sedimente als Barriere für die U-/Th-Migration im Fernfeld von Endlagern.
U. Nosek, Th. Brasser & W. Pohl, 295 pp, GRS-Bericht 176, Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit, Köln, 2002. - 86. GIS-applications in slope stability assessments.
A. Günther, A. Carstensen & W. Pohl, Pp 175-184 in J. RYBAR, J. STEMBERK & P. WAGNER (Eds.), Landslides, 734 pp, Balkema 2002. - 85. Slope stability management using GIS.
A. Günther, A. Carstensen & W. Pohl, pp 265-272 in Instability: Planning and Management, R.G. MCINNES & J. JAKEWAYS (Eds.), 762 pp, Thomas Telford 2002. - 84. Definition und Bildungsmodelle metamorphogener Lagerstätten. Carinthia II, 191/111, 517-523, Klagenfurt 2001.
- 83. Geo-Networks in East Africa - a personal view. Documenta Naturae 136, 21-22, 2001.
- 82. Long-term stability of overburden dump slopes in recultivated lignite mines of Central Germany - the prediction of maximal pore water pressures.
A. Carstensen & W. Pohl, pp 221-226 in: Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice, E. BROMHEAD, N. DIXON & M.-L. IBSEN (EDS.), Proceedings of 8th Symposium on Landslides at Cardiff, Volume I, Thomas Telford 2000. - 81. Monitoring and modelling of post failure behaviour of a large overburden slide in the lignite mine of Zwenkau (Saxony, Germany).
G. Gärtner, W. Pohl & H. Lindner, pp 603-608 in: Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice, E. BROMHEAD, N. DIXON & M.-L. IBSEN (EDS.), Proceedings of 8th Symposium on Landslides at Cardiff, Volume II, Thomas Telford 2000. - 80. Constraints on interpretation of geochemical data for gold exploration in multiply deformed and metamorphosed areas: An example from Lega Dembi gold deposit, southern Ethiopia.
D. Tolessa & W. Pohl, J. African Earth Sciences 29, 367-380, 1999. - 79. Metamorphism and metallogeny in the Eastern Alps.
W. Pohl & R. Belocky, Mineralium Deposita 34, 614-629, 1999. - 78. Porenwasserdruckwellen - der Schlüssel zur Langzeitstabilität von Böschungen?
Carolo-Wilhelmina - Forschungsmagazin der TU Braunschweig 32/2/1997, 44-50, 1998. - 77. Porenwasserdruckmessungen an einer Innenkippe des Braunkohlentagebaues Zwenkau/Leipzig als Beitrag für eine Prognose der Langzeitstandsicherheit.
A. Carstensen & W. Pohl, Geotechnik, Sonderheft 11. Nat. Tagung Ingenieurgeologie Würzburg 1997, 95-111, 1998. - 76. Die Flotationsberge des ehemaligen Kupferbergbaues Kilembe im Ruwenzori-Gebirge, Uganda - Altlast oder Bodenschatz?
Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv/Beiheft 19, 22-25, 1997. - 75. Rutschungssuszeptibilität im südlichen Niedersachsen - von der Anatomie der Rutschung und des Schuttstromes bei Brunkensen/Alfeld zur regionalen Prognose instabiler Hanglagen.
W. Pohl & N. Tilch, Tagungsband 148. Hauptversammlung der DGG 1995, Band 148, 108-109, 1996. - 74. Environmental impact of former copper mining at Kilembe, Ruwenzori Mountains, Uganda.
W. Pohl & A. Muwanga, In: J. PASAVA, B. KRIBEK & K. ZAK (Eds.), Mineral Deposits, 697-699, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1995. - 73. Tertiary metallogenesis in the Eastern Alps - the Waldenstein hematite deposit (Austria).
W. Prochaska, W. Pohl, R. Belocky & H. Kucha: Geologische Rundschau 84, 831-842, 1995. - 72. Kibaran (Mid-Proterozoic) Metallogeny in Central and Southern Africa.
Special Issue Guest Editor of Ore Geology Reviews 9, No. 2, 83-182, 1994. - 71. Metallogeny of the northeastern Kibara belt, Central Africa - recent perspectives.
Ore Geology Reviews 9, 105-130, 1994. - 70. Geologie und Minerallagerstätten des Harzes (a Book Review).
Ore Geology Reviews 9, 1, 79-80, 1994. DOI: 10.1016/0169-1368(94)90020-5 - 69. Alpidic metamorphic fluids and metallogenesis in the Eastern Alps.
W. Pohl & R. Belocky: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 86, 141-152, 1994. - 68. Metamorphogene Lagerstätten in den Ostalpen.
Die Geowissenschaften 11/3, 86-91, 1993. - 67. The granite-related gold deposit of Eureka, Guruve district, Zimbabwe.
M. Höppner & W. Pohl: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie 39, 41-43, 1993. - 66. Geology of titanium-mineral deposits (Review of Book by Force, E.R. 1991, 112 pp, GSA Spec. Paper 259)
Ore Geology Reviews 8 (6), 527-527, 1993. DOI: 10.1016/0169-1368(93)90044-Y - 65. Anleitung zur Erzmikroskopie. Mit einer Einfuehrung in die Erzpetrographie (Review of Book by M�cke, A., 1989, 187 pp, Enke)
Earth-Science Reviews 32 (3):196-196, 1992. DOI: 10.1016/0012-8252(92)90032-O - 64. Walther Emil Petrascheck (Obituary)
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 85, 241-248, 1992. - 63. Die Gold-Lagerstätte Eureka, Guruve Distrikt, Simbabwe.
M. Höppner & W. Pohl: BGR-Berichte zur Lagerstätten- und Rohstofforschung 9, 135 pp, Hannover 1991. - 62. Kibaran evolution and metallogeny in Central Africa - a synthesis at the end of IGCP-Project 255.
IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter/Bulletin 4, 1-8, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1992. - 61. Metallogeny of the Kibara Belt, Central Africa.
Eds. W. Pohl & J. Delhal: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter/Bulletin 4, 156 pp, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1992. - 60. Defining metamorphogenic mineral deposits - an introduction.
Mineralogy and Petrology 45, 145-152, 1992. - 59. W. & W.E. PETRASCHECK'S LAGERSTÄTTENLEHRE. Eine Einführung in die Wissenschaft von den mineralischen Bodenschätzen.
4. Auflage. 504 pp, 246 Abb., Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1992. - 58. Metallogeny of the Kibara Belt, Central Africa.
Eds. W. Pohl & J. Delhal: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter/Bulletin 3, 111 pp, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1990. - 57. Neue Argumente für eine miozäne epithermale Genese der Antimonerzlagerstätte Schlaining (Burgenland/Österreich): Flüssigkeitseinschlußuntersuchungen und das Inkohlungsbild der benachbarten Tertiärbecken.
R. Belocky, W. Pohl & R.F. Sachsenhofer: Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM)136/6, 209-213, 1991. - 56. Granite related Kibaran gold mineralisation at Mashonga, Bushenyi District (SW-Uganda).
W. Pohl & D.P.M. Hadoto: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter/Bulletin 3, 61-67, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1990. - 55. The origin of Kibaran (late Mid-Proterozoic) tin, tungsten and gold quartz vein deposits in Central Africa. A fluid inclusions study.
W. Pohl & M.A. Günther: Mineralium Deposita 26, 51-59, 1991. - 54. Metallogeny of the Kibara belt, Central Africa.
Eds. W. Pohl & J. Delhal: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter/Bulletin 2, 109 pp, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1989. - 53. Genesis of magnesite deposits: models and trends.
Geologische Rundschau 79/2, 291-299, 1990. - 52. Platinum-group element exploration. (Review of Book by D.L. Buchanan (Editor), Developments in Economic Geology 26, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 85 pp., 1988).
Ore Geology Reviews 4/4, 365-366. 1989. - 51. The Kibaran tin-granites: Hydrothermal alteration versus plate tectonic setting.
M.A. Günther, P. Dulski, J. Lavreau, B. Lehmann, P. Möller & W. Pohl: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter 2, 21-27, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1989. - 50. The Kibaran of Central Africa (Conference Report).
Episodes 11/4, p 292, 1988. - 49. Metasomatische Siderit-Lagerstätten heute.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 133, 113-118, Wien 1988. - 48. Metallogeny of the Kibara belt, Central Africa.
Eds. W. Pohl & J. Klerkx: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter/Bulletin 1, 74 pp, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1988. - 47. Lead isotope compositions of sulfide minerals from Kibaran mineralizations in Rwanda - preliminary results.
S. Cauet & W. Pohl: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter 1, 11-13, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1988. - 46. Preliminary results of fluid inclusions research on tin, tungsten and gold deposits of Rwanda, Central Africa.
M.Günther & W. Pohl: IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter 1, 19-23, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1988. - 45. 'Post-orogenetic' events within and nearby the Kibara belt in Central Africa.
IGCP Project No. 255 Newsletter 1, 47-50, TU Braunschweig - MRAC Tervuren 1988. - 44. Zukunftsweisende Konzepte der Bildung mineralischer Rohstofflagerstätten.
In: 'Bergbau im Wandel' (Leobener Bergmannstag 1987), 184-187, Graz-Essen 1988. - 43. Evaporite-related metalliferous mineralization.
Ext. Abstract, Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM)132, 575-576, Wien 1987. - 42. Future-oriented concepts on the formation of mineral deposits.
Abstract, Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM)132, 575-576, Wien 1987. - 41. Maganiferous garnetite bands in Kibaran meta-volcanosedimentary rocks at Kibuye, Rwanda: Exhalites of metallogenic significance?
Ext. Abstract, 349-351 in G. Matheis & H. Schandelmeier, Current Research in African Earth Sciences, Balkema, Rotterdam 1987. - 40. Geotraverse Rwanda 1986: Preliminary results of metallogenic studies.
UNESCO, Geology for Economic Development, Newsletter 5/1986, 93-100, 1987. - 39. Comparative geology of magnesite deposits and occurrences.
In: Magnesite - Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Formation of Mg-Carbonates, P. Möller (Ed.), Monograph Series of Mineral Deposits 28, 1-13, Borntraeger V., Berlin 1989. - 38. Precambrian metallogeny of NE-Africa.
In: The Panafrican Belt of NE Africa and Adjacent Areas, S. EL-GABY & R. GREILING (Eds.), Earth Evolution Sciences, 319-341, Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1988. - 37. Geological evolution and metallogeny of the Northeastern Kibara belt, Central Africa.
In: African Geology Reviews, P. BOWDEN & J.A. KINNAIRD (eds.), 103-119, J.Wiley, Chichester 1988. - 36. Metallogeny of the northeastern Kibara belt, Central Africa.
Geological Journal 22, 103-119, 1987. - 35. A new genetic model for the N-African metasomatic siderite deposits.
W. Pohl, M. Amouri, O. Kolli, R. Scheffer & D. Zachmann: Mineralium Deposita 21/3, 228-233, 1986. - 34. W.E. Petrascheck als akademischer Lehrer und Forscher.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 78 (1985), Wien, Festschrift W.E. Petrascheck, 1-3, 1986. - 33. Petrochemistry of some mafic and ultramafic rocks from the Mozambique Belt, SE Kenya.
W. Frisch & W. Pohl: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 78 (1985), Festschrift W.E. Petrascheck, 97-114, 1986. - 32. Comparative metallogeny of siderite deposits.
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaften Komm. 8, 271-282, 3 figs., 2 tables, Wien 1986. - 31. Sediment-hosted magnesite deposits.
W. Siegl & W. Pohl: Handbook of Strata-Bound and Stratiform Ore Deposits, K. H. Wolf (Ed.), Vol. 14, 223-310, 30 figs., 11 tables, 15 photos, Amsterdam 1986. - 30. Kibaran Metallogeny in Rwanda and Uganda.
13th Coll. Afr. Geol. St. Andrews Sept. 85, Abstract Public. Occ. CIFEG 3, 54-55, 1985. - 29. Metasomatic siderite deposits (Abstract).
W. Pohl & R. Scheffer,: p 189 in: Fortschritte der Mineralogie 63, 1, 1985. - 28.Geologie Zentral- und Ostafrikas, ein neuer Anfang?
Mitt. TU Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig 20, 1, 33-37, 1985. - 27. Contributions on the origin of the Mangari gem corundum deposits (SE Kenya).
Proceed. 1st Conf. Geol. Soc. Kenya (1984), 58-65, 4 figs., Nairobi 1985. - 26. Large-scale metallogenetic features of the Precambrian in North-East Africa and Arabia.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Earth Sciences KAU 6 (1983), 592-601, 5 figs., Jeddah 1984. - 25. Metallogenetic evolution of the East Alpine Paleozoic basement.
Geologische Rundschau 73, 1, 131-147, 4 figs., 1984. - 24. Geochemistry of some Mozambiquian amphibolites and ultramafics from Tanzania and Kenya.
W.Prohaska & W. Pohl: Journal of African Earth Sciences 1, 3/4, 183-191, 7 figs., 4 tables, 1983. - 23. Large scale metallogenic features of the Precambrian in North-East Africa and Arabia(Abstract).
Precambrian Research 16, 4, A 32-33, 1982. - 22. Some geochemical data of the mafic-ultramafic complex at Tulu Dimitri, Ethiopia, and their genetic significance.
A.J. Warden, V. Kazmin, W. Kiesl & W. Pohl: Sitzungsbericht Österreischische Akademie der Wissenschaften Math. Nat. Kl.I, 191, 111-131, 13 figs., Wien 1982. - 21. Lagerstättenlehre - Eine Einführung in die Wissenschaft von den mineralischen Bodenschätzen (3.Auflage).
W.E. Petrascheck & W. Pohl, 341 pp, E.Schweizerbart, Stuttgart 1982. - 20. Lithostratigraphy of rocks involved in the Pan-African cycle in Kenya.
Pp 47-56 in N.J. Jackson (comp.): Late Proterozoic stratigraphies of North-East Africa and Arabia; FES Rpt. 1, IGCP 164 (A.M. Al-Shanti ed.), Jeddah 1981. - 19. Prospektion und Exploration auf Kohle in Österreich.
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 126, 446-450, 4 Abb., Wien 1981. - 18. Is the Kashebib-Group older Basement to the Greenschist-Assemblage? - Some Thoughts resulting from the Port Sudan Meeting.
IGCP Newsletter Project 164, 4, 44-48, Jeddah 1981. - 17. Das Eisenglimmervorkommen bei Pack/Stmk.
W. Pohl,W. Siegl & M. Vinzenz: Mitteilungen der Abteilung f. Geologie und Paläontologie, Bergbau Landesmuseum Joanneum 42, 103-115,6 Abb., Graz 1981. - 16. Regionale Geochemische und Schwermineral-Prospektion(Gurktaler Decke, Stmk.).
W. Pohl & H. Kürzl: Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 125, 593-594, 1 Abb., Wien 1980. - 15. Notes on the Geology and Mineral Resources of the Mtito Andei-Taita Area (Southern Kenya).
W. Pohl & A. Horkel, with W. Neubauer, G. Niedermayr, R.E. Okelo, J.K. Wachira & W. Werneck: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 73, 135-152, 2 Figs., 4 Tab., 1 map 1:50.000, Vienna 1980. - 14. Die Fernerkundung in der Geologie - ein Überblick.
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 125, 273-278, 1 Abb., Wien 1980. - 13. Metallogenic/Minerogenic Analysis - Contribution to the Differentiation between Mozambiquian Basement and Pan-African Superstructure in the Red Sea Region.
Annals Geol.Survey Egypt 9, 32-44, Cairo 1979. - 12. Geology of the Taita Hills Quadrangle (with a geological map 1:50.000).
A. Horkel, W.J. Nauta, G. Niedermayr, R.E. Okelo, W. Pohl & J.K. Wachira: Kenya Geol. Survey Rpt. 102, 33 pp, 11 figs., Nairobi 1979. - 11. Geology of the Mwatate Quadrangle and the Vanadium Grossularite Deposits of the Area (with a geological map 1:50 000).
Pohl, W., Nauta, W.J. & Niedermayr, G.: Kenya Geol. Survey Rpt. 101, 55 pp, 13 figs., Nairobi 1979. - 10. Die tektonische Kontrolle der Zinngänge von Rutongo, Rwanda (Afrika).
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 68, 89-107, 4 Abb., 4 Taf., Wien 1978. - 9. Precambrian Ore Deposits in the Nubian and the Arabian Shield and their Correlation across the Red Sea.
Al-Shanti, A., W. Frisch, W. Pohl & M. Abdel Tawab (1978) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Schriftenr. Erdwiss. Komm. Vol. 3, 37-44, 1 Map, Vienna. - 8. In Memoriam Dipl.Ing. Dr.mont. Josef Horvath.
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 122, Wien 1977. - 7. Structural Control of Tin and Tungsten Mineralisation in Rwanda, Africa.
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 122, 59-63, 3 figs., Vienna 1977. - 6. Zur Geologie des Braunkohlenbeckens von Köflach-Voitsberg (Steiermark).
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM)121, 420-427, 5 Abb., Wien 1976. - 5. Zur Geologie der Wolframlagerstätte Bugarama, Rwanda, Afrika.
Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 119, 129-149, 5 Abb., Wien 1976. - 4. Géologie de la Mine de Bugarama et de ses Environs.
Bulletin du Service Géologique de Rwanda 8, 13-41, 6 figs., Kigali 1975. - 3. Geologie und Lagerstätten Rwandas (Zentralafrika).
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 120, 244-252, 1 Abb., Wien 1975. - 2. Die Kohle des Köflach-Voitsberger Reviers (Steiermark).
Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM)115, 270-277, 9 Abb., 3 Tab., Wien 1970. - 1. Zur Geologie und Paläogeographie der Kohlenmulden des Hausruck (Oberösterreich).
70 S., VII Taf., 6 Abb., 2 Tab., Notring-Verlag Wien 1968.
Conference: Geology and Earth Science (GeoEarth-2024) September 09-11. Lisbon, Portugal. Session Ore & Mineral Geology. The motto of the conference was "improve knowledge and understand the future of Geology and Earth Science". Don't miss my Seven Messages + References. or